Curriculum Vitae

Peter Ranis
York College and Graduate Center, City University of New York


B.A.  Brandeis University
M.A.  University of Washington
Ph.D. New York University



Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
Research Assistant under Drs. D.A. Rustow and Robert Scott

University of Washington

Graduate Assistant under Drs. J.S. Reshetar, Hugh A. Bone and William H. Harbold


Professor Emeritus, CUNY, since 2003
Professor, Graduate School and University Center, CUNY, 1987-2003
Professor, York College, CUNY, l981-2003
Assoc. Prof. York College, CUNY, 1972-1980
Assist. Prof. York College, CUNY, l968-1971
Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, NYU 1983-1988
Visiting Prof. Inter-American University, San German, Puerto Rico, 1977-1978
Assistant Professor, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1966-1968
Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico, 1965-1966


Books, Monographs, and Chapters:

Cooperativas Frente al Capitalismo: Desafiando la Economia Neoliberal  (Buenos Aires: Editorial Cooperativa Callao, 2018),

Cooperatives Confront Capitalism: Challenging the Neo-Liberal Economy (London: Zed Books, 2016).

“Eminent Domain: Building Toward Worker Cooperatives in the United States” Perspectives on Global Development and Technology Vol.15 (2016): 28-37.

Chapter on “Promoting Cooperatives by the Use of Eminent Domain: Argentina and the United States,” in L. Hammond Ketilson & M.P. Robichaud Villettaz, Cooperatives’ Power to Innovate: Texts Selected from International Call for Papers (pp. 523-537),  Lévis: Quebec International Summit of Cooperatives, 2014.

“Argentine Worker Cooperatives in Civil Society:  A Challenge to Capital-Labor Relations,”  in  Jeff Shantz and José Brendan Macdonald (eds),  Beyond Capitalism: Building Democratic Alternatives for Today and the Future  (New York and London: Bloomsbury, 2013),  pp. 209-240.

“Occupy Wall Street: An Opening to Worker Occupation of Factories and Enterprises in the U.S.” in Carl Davidson (ed.) Dialogue and Initiative 2012: Special Issue on Occupy (New York: Changemaker, 2012), pp. 57-74.

“Worker-Run U.S. Factories and Enterprises: The Example of Argentine Cooperatives” in Emily Kawano, et al., Solidarity Economy: Building Alternatives for People and Planet  (Amherst, Ma., Center for Popular Economics, 2010), pp. 115-123

“Movement of Worker Recuperated Factories and Enterprises in Argentina,” in International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present, (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009).

“The Impact of State and Capital Policies on Labor in Post-Industrial Argentina: A Comparative Perspective” in José Havet (ed.) Markets, States and Identities: Looking at Social Change in Latin America (Ottawa: Canadian Scholars Press, 1999).

Clases, Democracia y Trabajo en la Argentina Contemporánea: Los Valores de los Trabajadores del Gran Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 1997, 445pp.

Class, Democracy and Labor in Contemporary Argentina(New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1995), 310pp.

Argentine Workers: Peronism and Contemporary Class Consciousness (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1992), 313pp.

“Market Capitalism and the Argentine Working Class,” in Jacques Zylberberg and Francois Demers, (eds.) America and the Americas (Québec: Les Presses de L’Université Laval, 1992), pp. 613-629.

“Argentine Workers and the Nature of Democratic Values” New York: Columbia University Institute of Latin American and Iberian Studies Papers #17, 1990), 23pp.

“Argentine Rank and File Unionists and Their World” (New York: CUNY Graduate Center for Labor/Management Policy Studies, Occasional Paper No. 9, 1990), 28pp.

“The Argentine Working Class and Peronism under the New Democratic Regime: A Preliminary Assessment” (New York: Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies, 1987), 37 pp.

Five Latin American Nations: A Comparative Political Study (New York: Macmillan, 1971), 337 pp.

“Profile Variables among Argentine Legislators,” in Weston H. Agor (ed.), Latin American Legislators: Their Role and Influence (New York: Praeger, 1971), pp.173-257.

Modernity and Political Development in Five Latin American Countries (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Studies in Comparative International Development, Vol.4, No. 2, 1969), pp.19-41.

Articles and Review Articles:

“China: Making the World Safe for Capitalism,” New Politics, Vol. XIX, No. 1 (Summer 2022), pp. 101-107.

“Worker Cooperatives: The Default Alternative to Predatory United States Capitalism,”  Socialism and Democracy, Vol. 33, No. 1, March 2019, pp. 112-140.

“Eminent Domain: Building Toward Worker Cooperatives in the United States” in special issue in Perspectives on Global Development and Technology entitled “The Urban Crisis and Economic Democracy,” Vol. 15, 2016, pp. 28-37.

“Promoting Cooperatives by the Use of Eminent Domain: Argentina and the United States,”  Socialism and Democracy, Vol. 28, No. 1, March 2014, Pp. 51-69.  

“Worker Cooperatives: Creating Participatory Socialism in Capitalism and State Socialism” in, on-line, October 1, 2012 reprinted in Portside, October 9, 2012, 5 pp.

“Occupy Wall Street: An Opening to Worker-Occupation of Factories and Enterprises in the U.S.” in Monthly Review on Line, November 2011, 23 pp.

“Argentine Worker Cooperatives in Civil Society: A Challenge to Capital-Labor Relations,” Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society, Volume 13, March 2010, pp. 77-105.

“A Real Stella Solution,” The Indypendent, August 14, 2009; reprinted in Portside, August 17, 2009 and Talking Union, August 20, 2009 under the title of “Stella D’oro: Use of Eminent Domain and Workers Coops to Save Jobs.”

“Visteon and Beyond,” Talking Union, Project of the DSA Labor Network, May 10, 2009.

“Eminent Domain: Unused Tool for American Labor?” Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society Vol. 10 (June 2007), pp. 193-208.

“Factories without Bosses: Argentina’s Experience with Worker-Run Enterprises” Labor Studies in Working Class History of the Americas Vol. 3, No. 1 (Spring 2006), pp. 11-23.

“To Occupy, To Resist, To Produce: Argentina’s Worker-Managed Factories and Enterprises” Situations: Project of the Radical Imagination  Vol. 1, No. 2 (Winter 2006), pp. 57-72.

“Argentine Worker-Occupied Factories and Enterprises” Socialism and Democracy Vol.19, No. 3 (November 2005), pp. 93-115.

“Rebellion, Class, and Labor in Argentine Society”  Working USA: Journal of Labor and Society Vol.7, No.4 (Spring 2004), pp.8-35.

“Argentine Rebellion against the Neo-Liberal Model” Treinta y Cuatro y Quinta Vol. 1 (Spring 2002), pp. 4-5, 9.

Contributor to “LASA Research Trip to Cuba”, (ed.) by Jean Weisman, LASA Forum,Vol.30 (Summer 1999), pp. 30-32.

“The New Working Class: Implications for Comparative Research Based on the Argentine Case” Revista de Economía y Trabajo No. 3 (January-June 1994), pp. 177-187.

“York College Cultural Diversity Core” PSC-CUNY Clarion Vol. 22, No. 8 (May 1993), pp. 3, 9.

“The Contradictions of Class and Ideology Among Argentine Laborers and Employees” Studies in Comparative International Development Vol. 26, No.4 (Winter, 1991-1992), pp. 3-25.

“View from Below: Working Class Consciousness in Argentina” Latin American Research Review Vol.26, No.2 (Summer 1991), pp. 133-156

“Redemocratization and the Argentine Working Class,” Canadian Journal of Development Studies Vol. X, No. 2, (Fall 1989), pp. 293-302. (<a href=”;2-D”>JSTOR link)

“The Argentine Working Class and the Challenge of Democracy,” Georgia Series on Hispanic Thought, Nos. 26-27 (1989), pp.53-68.

“Deadly Tango: Populism and Military Authoritarianism in Argentina,” Latin American Research Review (Summer l986), pp.149-165.

“The Dilemmas of Democratization in Argentina” Current History (January 1986), pp.29-33, 42;

“Mass Murderers Brought to Justice” The Guardian (December 1985), pp.1,16.

“Between Havana and San Juan: The Contemporary Caribbean Polity,” Journal of Caribbean Studies, (Fall 1982), pp.73-107.

“The Cuban Refugee Exodus in Perspective,” Civilisations (Fall 1981), pp.299-304.

“Puerto Rico: Seven Decades of Americanization,” Latin American Research Review, (Fall 1980), pp.246-255.

“Post-Populist Models of the Latin American Polity” Polity (Fall 1980), pp.126-133. (<a href=”;2-N”>JSTOR link)

“The Worker and the State in Latin America:  Patterns of Domination and Subordination,” Civilisations, (Summer 1979), pp.157-174.

“Early Peronism and the Post-Liberal Argentine State,”  Journal of Latin American Studies and World Affairs (August 1979), pp.313-338. (<a href=”;2-H”>JSTOR link)

“The Latin American State and United States Hegemony: Examples of Complicity and Collusion,” Civilisations (Summer 1978), pp.179-194.

“The New Cuba and the Old Intellectuals,” New Political Science (Fall 1977), pp.11-17.

“Cuba: Descubrimiento y Auto-Descubrimiento, Areito (Fall 1977), pp.24-29.

“En Respuesta a E. Kenworthy: ‘Interpretaciones Orthodoxas y Revisionistas del Apoyo Inicial del Peronismo,” Desarrollo Economico, (April-June, 1975), pp.163-166. (<a href=”;2-D”>JSTOR link)

“Cuba: A Personal Response,” Liberation, (March-April, 1974), p.37.

“Peronists Without Peron,” Society, (March-April, 1973), pp.53-59.

“A Two-dimensional Typology of Latin American Political Parties,” Journal of Politics, (August 1968), pp.798-832. (<a href=”;2-H”>JSTOR link)

“Trends in Research on Latin American Politics, 1961-1967,” Latin American Research Review, (Summer 1968), pp.71-78. (<a href=”;2-N”>JSTOR link)

“Nations of the World: Argentina” Readers Digest, 1968, Almanac and Yearbook, New York, 1967, (several pages)

“Peronismo Without Peron: Ten Years After the Fall,” Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs, (January 1966), pp.112-128. (<a href=”;2-L”>JSTOR link)

“The Background to the 1965 Argentine Elections,” The World Today, Royal Institute of International Affairs (May 1965), pp.198-209.

Book Reviews:

Alexander Etkind, Russia Against Modernity (Turning the Page, Newsletter of the PSC-CUNY Retiree Chapter, April/May 2024

Katherine Sobering, The People’s Hotel: Working for Justice in Argentina (Journal of Labor and Society, March 2024).

Ilya Budraitskis, Dissidents Among Dissidents: Ideology, Politics and the Left in Post-Soviet Russia (New Politics, Winter, 2023).

Victor Wallis, Socialist Practice: Histories and Theories (Journal of  Labor and Society, March 2022).

Daniel Ozarow, The Mobilization and Demobilization of Middle-Class Revolt: Comparative Insights from Argentina (Journal of Labor and Society, June 2021).

Donald Reid, Opening the Gates: The Lip Affair, 1968-1981 (Journal of Labor and Society, June 2019).

Steven Cushion,  A Hidden History of the Cuban Revolution: How the Working Class Shaped the Guerrilla’s Victory  (Journal of Labor and Society, June 2017).

Amanda Latinne, The Mondragon Cooperatives: Workplace Democracy and Globalization. (Working USA, September 2015)

Costas Panayotakis, Remaking Scarcity from Capitalist Inefficiency to Economic Democracy.  (Review of Radical Political Economics, Fall 2014).

Camila Pineiro Harnecker, ed.  Cooperatives and Socialism: A View from Cuba.  (Working USA, September 2014).

Marina A. Sitrin, Everyday Revolutions: Horizontalism and Autonomy in Argentina (Science and Society, April, 2014).

Maria Lorena Cook, The Politics of Labor Reform in Latin America: Between Flexibility and Rights (Perspectives on Politics, March 2008).

Lindsay DuBois, The Politics of the Past in an Argentine Working-Class Neighborhood (American Ethnologist, August 2006).

Lowell Turner (ed.) Rekindling the Labor Movement: Labor Quest for Relevance in the 21st Century (Working USA, Winter 2002).

James W. McGuire, Peronism without Perón: Unions, Parties and Democracy in Argentina (Journal of Politics, March 1999).

Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Breve Historia Económica de la Cuba Socialista (Hispanic American Historical Review, August 1996).

James P. Brennan, The Labor Wars in Córdoba, 1955-1976: Ideology, Work, and Labor Politics in an Argentine Industrial City (American Political Science Review, June, 1996).

Sandor Halebsky and John M. Kirk, (eds) Cuba in Transition and Centro de Estudios Sobre América (eds), The Cuban Revolution in the 1990s (Hispanic American Historical Review, February 1995).

John D. French, The Brazilian Workers’ ABC: Class Conflict and Alliances in Modern Sâo Paulo (Hispanic American Historical Review, November 1993).

Paul H. Lewis, The Crisis of Argentine Capitalism (American Political Science Review, September, 1991). (<a href=”;2-O”>JSTOR link)

Carlos H. Waisman, Reversal of Development in Argentina (American Political Science Review, June 1989).

Daniel James, Resistance and Integration: Peronism and the Argentine Working Class (Journal of InterAmerican Studies and World Affairs, Winter 1989). (<a href=”;2-F”>JSTOR link)

Monica Peralta-Ramos and Carlos H. Waisman, From Military Rule to Liberal Democracy in Argentina (Journal of InterAmerican Studies and World Affairs, Fall 1987). (<a href=”;2-6″>JSTOR link)

Ronald H. Chilcote and Joel C. Edelstein, Latin America: Capitalist and Socialist Perspectives of Development and Underdevelopment (Journal of Developing Areas, July 1987).

Aldo Solari Poder y Desarrollo en AmericaLatina: Estudios Sociologicos en Homenaje a Jose Medina Echavarria (Hispanic American Historical Review, May, 1980).

Surendra Bhana, The United States and the Development of the Puerto Rican Status Question, 1936-1968; Truman R. Clark,
Puerto Rico and the United States, 1917-1933; Thomas Mathews, Puerto Rican Politics and the New Deal. by Thomas Mathews (Latin American Research Review, 1980). (<a href=”;2-Z”>JSTOR link)

Fernando Bayron Toro, Elecciones y Partidos Politicos de Puerto Rico (1809-1976)  (Revista/Review Inter-Americana, Summer 1979).

Donald C. Hodges, Argentina, 1943-1976; The National Revolution and Resistance (Science and Society, Fall,78).

H.S. Ferns, The Argentine Republic, 1516-1971 (The Americas, April 1976). (<a href=”;2-W”>JSTOR link)

Robert J. Alexander, Agrarian Reform in Latin America (American Political Science Review, March 1976). (<a href=”;2-H”>JSTOR link)

Guillermo Geisse and Jorge E. Hardoy, Regional and  Urban Development Policies: A Latin American Perspective  (Hispanic American Historical Review, February, 1974).

Martin C. Needler, The United States and the Latin American Revolution (Social Science Quarterly, September, 1973).

Peter G. Snow, Political Forces in Argentina (Hispanic American Historical Review, August, 1973).

Jose Luis de Imaz, Los Que Mandan (American Political Science Review, June, 1971).

German J. Bidart Campos, Historia y Ideologia de la Constitucion Argentina (Hispanic American Historical Review. May, 197l).

Victor Alba, Nationalists Without Nations: The Oligarchy Versus the People in Latin America (American Political Science Review, December, 1968).

W. Goldschmidt and J. Rodriguez-Novas, American-Argentine International Law (Hispanic American Historical Review, November, 1968).

Alexander T. Edelmann, Latin American Government and Politics (Social Science Quarterly, December, 1966).

C. Neale Ronning, Law and Politics in Inter-American Diplomacy (Hispanic American Historical Review, May, 1964).


Named Faculty Fellow in the Seminar on “Politics and Ethics in the Global Age,” Sponsored by the CUNY Graduate Center’s Committee on Globalization and Social Change, 2011-2012.

York College Faculty Development Grant to participate in Council on International Educational Exchange’s Berlin Seminar, June 1994.

Fulbright Senior Study Seminar Grant for South America, Summer, 1993.

PSC/CUNY Faculty Research Grants for Argentina, 1987-98

Fulbright Senior Research Grant, Argentina, 1985-1986.

Organization of American States Fellowship, Argentina, 1974-1975.

Cuban Research Trip, sponsored by Center for Cuban Studies, Summer, 1973.

Fulbright Professorship in Political Science, National University of Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, Spring 1970.

Faculty Fellowship Grant, SUNY at Stony Brook, Summers. 1967-1968.

Social Science Research Council Grant, Summer, 1966.

Research Allocation Grant, University of New Mexico, Summer, 1966.

Fulbright Fellowship, Argentina, 1964-1965.

Organization of American States Fellowship, Mexico, 1960-1961


Presented paper on “Worker Cooperatives: The Default Alternative to Predatory United States Capitalism” at the International Conference on Social Solidarity Economy and the Commons, at the ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal, November 21-23, 2018.

Chaired and presented a paper on a panel on “The Workers Economy as Global Strategy” at the annual Left Forum conference at John Jay College, CUNY, June 1-3, 2018.

Presented a paper on “Worker Cooperatives and Public Policy: The Cases of Capitalist United States and Socialist Cuba” at the 6th International Gathering of the Workers’ Economy in Buenos Aires and Pigue, Argentina, August 30-September 2, 2017.

Presented at two panels at a conference sponsored by the Instituto de Filosofia, the University of Havana and the Center for Global Justice, Havana, Cuba, June 18 to July 1, 2017, on the current state of Cuban cooperatives with discussions of other cooperative movements in Argentina, Mondragon and the U.S.   His papers were on “U.S. Right Wing Populism under Trump: An Opening to Left Populism via Cooperatives?” and “Cooperatives in the United States: Current Conditions.”

Presented at two panels at the annual Left Forum conference at John Jay College, CUNY, June 2-4, 2017:  “Scaling Up: the Transition from Worker Cooperatives to Socialism” and  “The Trump Regime: Same Old Neoliberalism or Something New?”

Presented keynote address on “The Alienated Working Class and the Trump Phenomenon” at the Canadian Association for Studies in Cooperation” May 30- June 2, 2017.

Paper presented on “Promoting Worker Cooperatives in the US: Eminent Domain as Public Policy” at the 2nd Meetings of the North American, Central American and Caribbean Region of the International Conferences on the Workers’ Economy, Mexico City, November 3-5, 2016

Paper presented on “The Peronist Left Alternative in Argentina under the Kirchner Governments” at the Left Forum Conference, John Jay College, CUNY, May 20-22, 2016.

Paper presented on “Worker Cooperatives and the Role of the State in the U.S. Social Economy” at the International Labour Process Conference, Berlin, Germany, April 4-6, 2016.

Paper presented on “The Use of Eminent Domain in Establishing Worker Cooperatives in the United States” for Research Workshop on Empresas Recuperadas at Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 27-29, 2015.

Paper presented on “Eminent Domain: Building Toward Worker Cooperatives in the United States” at the 14th Annual Conference of the Global Studies Association, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, June 12-14, 2015.

Paper presented on “Building Toward Worker Cooperatives in the United States” at Primer Encuentro de la Región América del Norte, América Central y el Caribe “La Economía de los Trabajadores” held in Mexico City, November 7-8, 2014.

Discussant on two panels: “Contemporary Latin American Experiences in Autogestion: Paths to Economic Democracy” and “Framing United States/Cuban Relations: Competing Explanations of U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Cuba Since 1898” at the 32nd International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Chicago, Il., May 21-24, 2014.

Presented a paper on “Argentina in America: Promoting the Socio-Political Impact of Cooperatives by the Use of Eminent Domain in the United States” at the Seminar on Socialist Renovation and Capitalist Crisis: A North American-Cuban Exchange, University of Havana, June 24-28, 2013.

Presented a paper on “The Need for Cooperative Education: View from the Workers” at the Labor and Working Class History Association’s 2013 National Conference (LAWCHA), New York City, June 6-8, 2013.

Participated in the opening session on “Worker Control and Community Councils in Latin America” at the Labor and Working Class History Association’s 2013 National Conference (LAWCHA) , New York City, June 6-8, 2013.

Chaired a panel entitled “Worker Cooperatives: Challenging Capitalism and State Socialism while Building toward Participatory Socialism” at the 31st International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, DC, May 29-June 1, 2013.  The paper for the panel was entitled “Promoting the Socio-Political Impact of Cooperatives by the Use of Eminent Domain in the United States.”

Presented a paper on “Factory and Enterprise Occupations, Worker Cooperatives and the Use of Eminent Domain in the United States” at the Conference on International Labor Process, Rutgers University, March 18-20, 2013

Presented a paper on “Promoting the Socio-Political Impact of Cooperatives by the Use of Eminent Domain in the United States” at the Seminar on “Socialist Renewal and the Capitalist Crisis,” at the University of Havana, Havana, Cuba, June 18-22, 2012.

Participant in panel on “Worker Cooperatives: The International Context” at Left Forum 2012, Pace University, New York City, March 16-18, 2012.

“Cooperatives and Recuperated Enterprises: Worker Self-Management as a Challenge to Capital-Labor Relations in the United States” at the 3rd Encuentro Internacional de la Economia de los Trabajadores, Mexico City, June 9-11, 2011.

Participant in round table on “Worker Control in Historical Perspective” at Left Forum 2011, Pace University, New York City, March 18-20, 2011.

Paper prepared for presentation on “L’Impact du neo-liberalisme sur l’education en Argentine” for conference on Le Droit a L’Educaction in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, December 8-10, 2010.

“Argentina Exporting Working Class Cooperative Culture” Paper presented at 29th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, October 6-9, 2010.

“Argentine Cooperatives: Exportable Working Class Culture?” Paper presented at 28th International Labour Process Conference, Rutgers University, March 2010.

Participant in round table on “Alternative Labor Organizations: Worker Councils and Rank and File Control” at the Left Forum, Pace University, New York, March 2010.

“US Workers Under Fire: Looking to Argentina,” talk presented at The Left Forum, Pace University, New York, April 2009.

“Workers at Risk: Learning from the Example of the Argentine Cooperatives,” talk presented at the First National Forum on the Solidarity Economy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, March 2009.

“New Participatory Working Class Movements Challenge Left Reformism in Latin America” at the annual Left Forum, Cooper Union, New York City, March, 2008.

“Argentine Worker Cooperatives in Civil Society: Problems and Prospects” Paper Presented at 27th International Congress of Latin American Studies, Montreal, Canada, September 2007.

Panelist on session entitled “International Experiences of Self-Management” at Primer Encuentro Internacional de La Economía de los Trabajadores: Autogestión y Distribución de la Riqueza” Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2007.

“Building Working Class Consciousness in America” Paper presented at “Storming the Heavens” Conference at CUNY Center for Worker Education, June 2007.

Presented a paper at the Stony Brook Conference on “How Class Works” on “Eminent
Domain: A Way Out for American Labor?” SUNY-Stony Brook University, June 2006.

Chaired and presented a paper on a panel entitled “Transformations in the Workplace via New Forms of Worker Ownership and Management in the Southern Cone” 26th International Congress of Latin American Studies, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 2006.

Presented a talk on “Argentine Factories without Bosses to the Columbia University Seminar on Latin America, December 1, 2005.

Presented a talk on “Argentine Factories without Bosses” to a joint Columbia University Seminar on “Full Employment, Social Welfare and Equity” and “Globalization, Labor and Popular Struggles, May 2, 2005.

“Alternative Labor Relations in Post-Rebellion Argentina: The Case of Worker-Led Enterprises” Paper presented at XXV International Congress of Latin American Studies, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 2004.

“The Impact of Popular Rebellion on Labor and Social Movements in Argentina” Paper presented at Conference on “How Class Works” at the SUNY, Stony Brook, June 2004.

“Post Neo-Liberal Latin America: The Case of Argentina at the Socialist Scholars Conference, NYC (March 2004).

“Rebellion and Class in Argentine Society” presented At the XXIV International Congress of Latin American Studies (Dallas, March 2003)

“Rebellion and Class: Argentine Society Confronts the Neo-Liberal Model” Paper presented at Conference on “How Class Works” at the SUNY, Stony Brook, June 2002.

“The Argentine Popular Uprising Against Neo-Liberalism: Implications for the Political Economy and Democracy” Talk presented at Columbia University’s Institute for Latin American Studies, April 2002

“Crisis and Rebellion in Argentina”, Talk presented at the Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies, CUNY, April 2002

“The Neo-Liberal Challenge to Higher Education in America: The Case of the City University of New York.” Paper presented at the 12 Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers and Social Scientists, Havana, Cuba, June 2000.

“Argentine Privatization under Peronism: Consequences for and Responses from Argentine Labor,” Paper presented at the 1998 meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Chicago, Illinois, September 1998.

“La clase trabajadora Argentina bajo Alfonsín y bajo Menem,” Talk presented at Centro de Estudios E Investigaciones Laborales (CEIL), Buenos Aires, July, 1998.

“Neoliberalism in Latin America,” Paper presented at 2nd International Workshop on Emancipatory Paradigms and Modernity in Latin America, Institute of Philosophy, University of Havana, January 1997.

“The Impact of the State and Capital Flexibilization Offensive on Argentine Labor,” Paper presented at 8th Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers and Social Scientists, Havana, Cuba, June 1996.

“Challenges to Organized Labor in the Post-Industrial World: Argentina, Germany and the U.S,” Paper presented at XIX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, D.C., September 1995.

Discussant for panel on “The Working class in the Process of Democratic Consolidation in Argentina and Brazil,” at the Latin American Studies Association, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1994.

“Proletarians Without Marx” York College, CUNY Faculty Forum, December 1993.

“The New Working Class: Implications for Comparative Research Based on the Argentine Case,” Paper presented at First Latin American Congress on the Sociology of Work, Mexico City, November 1993.

“Disaggregating Argentine Workers: Implications for Comparative Research”, paper presented at CUNY Political Science Conference, April 1993.

“Market Capitalism and the Argentine Working Class,” paper presented at the Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Québec, Canada, November 1991.

Participant in panel on “Multicultural Curricular Reform and Development” at CUNY Political Science Conference, March 1991

“Labor in the Argentine Political Economy”, seminar presented at NYU’s Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, November 1990.

Seminar participant at Congress on Argentine Peronism sponsored by Harvard University’s Committee on Latin American and Ibero-American Studies and the Argentine Embassy, Cambridge, MA., April 1990.

“The Persistence of Peronist Values in the Analysis of Working Class Consciousness in Argentina”, paper delivered at Latin American Studies Association   Meetings, Miami, Florida, December 1989.

“Argentine Unionists and Their World: Reconsideration of Working Class Values and Consciousness”, seminar presented at the Center for Labor-Management Policy Studies, CUNY Graduate School, May 1989.

“Argentine Working Class Response to Economic Austerity in Latin America” talk presented at the N.Y. Marxist School’s Brecht Forum, May 1989.

“The Persistence of Peronist Values in the Analysis of Working Class Consciousness in Argentina”, paper presented at CUNY Political Science Conference, February 1989.

“Argentine Workers: Rethinking Class Consciousness”,  paper delivered at Latin American Studies Association Meetings, New Orleans, March 1988.

“Working Class Values and Ideology in Contemporary Argentina”, paper presented at annual Pacific Coast Latin American Studies Meetings, Tempe, Arizona, October, 1987.

“Trabajadores Argentinos: Aspectos de Conciencia de Clase” paper presented at Centro de Investigacion Sobre el Estado y la Administracion (CISEA) Buenos Aires, Argentina, August, 1987.

“La Clase Trabajadora Argentina:  Ideologias y Perspectivas” paper presented at Instituto Di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August, 1987.

“Argentine Workers:  What’s Left?” paper given before Latin American Study Group, CUNY Graduate Center, May 1987.

“For Workers is it Right to be Left?  The Argentine Case”, York College, CUNY Faculty Forum, May 1987.

“Argentine Workers and Their World” paper given at panel entitled “Work, Power and Politics” at Annual CUNY Political Science Conference, December 1986.

“Democratization Under Alfonsin: “Prospects and Challenges for Argentina’s Trade Union Movement”,  Invited Lecture, Center for Caribbean and Latin American Studies, NYU, December, 1986

“Argentine Trade Union Workers: Their Personal, Work and Political Outlooks”,  Paper presented at Latin American Studies Association, Boston, October, 1986

“Peronismo, La Izquierda y la Clase Trabajadora Contemporanea en la Argentina “, Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Asociacion Argentina de Estudios Americanos in Buenos Aires, Argentina, August, 1986.

Chaired and was a discussant on a panel entitled “Latin America:  The Military and Democratization” at Annual CUNY Political Science Conference, December, 1984.

“Politics in the Caribbean Republics,” Paper given at Brooklyn College’s Caribbean Lecture Series, Feb. 1981.

Seminar participant on “Argentina, the Second Peronist Experiment,” Center for Inter-American Relations, New York City, February-May 1979.

“Juan Peron and his Impact on Argentine History:  Perspectives on the Early Years,” Paper presented at the Latin American Studies Association Meetings, Atlanta, Georgia, March, 1976.

Panel participant in Symposium on “Economic and Political Options for Argentina,” Center for Inter-American Relations, New York City, January, 1976.

“Progressive Governments in Latin America,” Paper given at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA; Feb. 1974.

“Contemporary Peronism in Historical Perspective,” Seminar at Center for Cuban Studies, New York City, December, 1973.

“Una Esquema Pedagogica Comparativa para el Estudio de Desarrollo Politico Argentino, 1810-1950,” Paper given at Jornadas de Historia y Literatura de Argentina y Norteamerica, Cordoba, Argentina, August, 1970.

“Toward a Two-Dimensional Typology of Latin American Political Parties,”  Paper given at Western Political Science Association Meetings, Reno, Nevada, March,1966.


Member, Advisory Board, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 1990-

Manuscript referee for Latin American Research Review. Comparative Politics, Journal of Politics, Journal of Developing Areas, Western Political Quarterly, Journal of InterAmerican Studies and World Affairs, Canadian Journal of Development Studies and Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies.

Application referee for National Science Foundation and National Endowment for Humanities

Senior College Officer, PSC/CUNY Executive Council, 2000-2002.

Chair, York College Chapter of the PSC Faculty and Staff Union, 2002-2003

Alternate Delegate to PSC Delegate Assembly, 1999-2002.

Chair, Subcommittee on Multicultural Studies, York College CUNY, 1990-1992.

Member, York College Faculty Presidential Search Committee, Spring 1991.

Member, York College Faculty Vice-Presidential Search Committees, 1992 and 1993.

Vice-Chairperson of York College Chapter of PSC faculty union, 1975-1977

CUNY Faculty Senate: Alternate Senator, 1982-1983.

Coordinator, Puerto Rican and Latin American Studies Programs at York College, CUNY, 1978-1998.

York College Senate, 1992-2002, 1979-1989

Coordinator, Political Science Discipline, 1990-1992, 1975-1977 and 1970-1972.

Member, Department of Political Science Personnel and Budget Committee, 1980-1999 and 1975-1977.

Coordinator and lecturer on Latin America for Peace Corps Inter-Cultural Studies Program at Peace Corps Training Center, University of New Mexico, 1965.